To help 500 small businesses 2X their revenue in 2025 using AI and essential automated systems.
Work smarter, not harder!
For the last 10 years we've been mastering digital marketing for small business trying nearly every platform, tactic and shiny object out there. Our focus now is on what's essential and what works!
During this time we've sold everything from services to physical and digital products - both our own and other peoples'. Many were successful, others not so much but we learnt a lot more from the failures!
There's no doubt that AI and Automation can have a significant impact on small business revenue, but there's a lot of noise and distractions out there. ChatGPT, social media, email marketing, content marketing, Ads, Funnels, Reviews... Which ones should you use? What's more effective? How do you use them?
In talking to 100's of small business owners one thing has become glaringly apparent - none of them will work effectively if they aren't built on solid foundations!
If you've tried different tactics and thought 'there must be a better way!' then Let's Talk. We don't go in for high pressure sales or crippling contracts, just honest actionable advice based on years of experience - you decide how to move forward.
We are shrewdpreneurs!
We work smarter, not harder by employing systems
We build those systems on solid foundations
We build assets that work for us
We leverage technology to automate and do the heavy lifting
We have valuable products, services, knowledge, skills and experience that make a difference to others
We create value; money is the by-product of that
We wake up every morning with purpose and excitement
We want more money, impact and freedom in our business
We are invested in the success of your business
We will only propose solutions once we understand your business and customer journey
We offer packages and services on a month to month basis - no long term contracts
Our systems and processes are transparent
We provide a clear path, you determine the pace
Our goal is to give you more revenue, time and freedom
Just another account, sell and forget
Pitch the latest shiny objects or trends without testing or understanding your business
Long term contracts and service add-ons
Unclear offer and plans to move your business forward
No clear path - only solve part of the puzzle or information overload
No vision to take your business to the next level